
Tuesday 18 September 2018

Elimination tag with a twist

As I sat on the freezing cold dark green grass, I sighed "this grass is so wet!" A second later Mr Moran shouted " class we are going to play Elimination tag, but there is a twist to it." The class screamed "YAY!" Mr Moran exclaimed " the twist is that there will be three people on the outside of the park trying to throw dodge balls at you!" "Now we are going to pick the taggers and the ball throwers." Miss Scanlan said. The first person to throw the ball was Lincoln the second was Kamryn and the last was Ana. The two taggers were Adriana and Bryston. Miss Scanlan told us that we needed to watch out for Lincoln, Adriana,Ana, Kamryn and  Bryston. After that we started the game, the taggers had to give us ten seconds to dash around. Ten seconds later the taggers started tagging, the smaller that the group got the taggers were getting even slower because they were exhausted. Half way through the game I got tug, but I was kind of happy because I wanted to go and sit down. About twenty minutes later there was only one person standing... It was Marius. After a few minutes he got corned by the taggers and fell and hurt his leg terribly. It was so fun I hope we can do it again.

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