
Friday 8 September 2017

stardome writing

Yesterday, all the Year 3s and Year 4s got on a bus to go to the Stardome. After we got on the bus we put our bags on the floor and sang some songs with Mr Moran I was so happy. We sang one call away and little einsteins. After a while we played hand games and talked about stuff that was funny when we were little and all the stories were so funny some people cried because they laughed . Finally we got to Stardome and everybody was so excited.

At the Stardome, we learned some really cool things about our solar system. At Stardome we learnt about how far away the planets are from the sun. The next that we did was a quiz we all were so excited. The quiz had lots of difficult questions we were in color groups and each group got an ipad.  There were some teams that got all the questions right. After that we went in the planetarium and we went on an adventure with the aliens  to look for a planet and they lived on earth. Then we headed out.

When we weren’t in the Stardome, we were having fun outside.  Outside we were on the playground my favourite part about the playground is that there is a mini train. I went on the flying fox and I  went so that I nearly hit the pole at the end. There was lots of fun things at the One Tree Hill park it was super super fun. After we got off the park we had some food.

After all this, we headed back to Point England School.
After we went in Stardome we got back on the bus. We sang songs, played hand games and quizzes. We were looking out the window at the trees and buildings. When we got back to school we ate lunch because we were all hungry.

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