
Wednesday 25 March 2020

It was late into the evening when the magic happened.

It was late into the evening when the magic happened.

The forest was the perfect place for a story to unfold. A sense of mystery filled the secluded wood, as a swirling, grey fog mischievously crept its way between the trees.

After days of waiting, her transformation was complete. The Queen Bee held one of her many children in her outstretched hand; the moment she’d been waiting for had finally arrived…

Her son had called her Mama bee! She was overdosed with happiness. Sitting there balling her eyes out ,she happily placed the baby down, with a kiss on the head.

Then something extraordinary happened. Her son had flied! She was so proud, so happy and so teary. Her thoughts were that if she had more bee baby, she would have more happy moments.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kiarah,

    I love the vocabulary that you have used to make the story more exciting. "She was overdosed with happiness" is a great sentence I can see that you have been working on using different adjectives in your writing. Will the Queen Bee in your story keep having happy moments? Look forward to seeing more of your writing. Keep up the great work.

    Miss Parrant


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