
Tuesday 9 November 2021

Why is PES an important part of our community? - Practice Test: Writing


Today in our literacy meet, we had a practice test for writing. We practiced explanation writing and the question/topic was: Why is PES an important part of our community? Enjoy :)


Pt England School plays a big part in the G.I community. It helps families, children and others connect - in many different ways. I will be talking about Learn, Create and Share, becoming comfortable with older individuals and connecting with other families.

Learning is a big part of school. When you learn, you create. When you create you share. Sharing your learning can help your social development and confidence. We learn by having class, and individual discussions. We Create by using what we have learned and putting it on a google doc, slide, drawing etc. We share by presenting in front of the class,  This is not only online, but also in person.

PES helps kids become comfortable with older individuals. This can be teenagers, adults and even the elderly. People of all ages pass through our school. Starting up a conversation boosts confidence and helps with manners. When you pass through the foyer, there are at least 2 adults, most of them you know. Eventually you get comfortable with them, which makes it much easier to have confidence around strangers of such age.

Our school also helps families as a whole. Our family plays a big part in our life. When our families make new friends, it is good for our mental health and well-being. PES helps do this by holding events like fia-fia, cross country, school picnics and much more. Making new friends helps us link socially and physically.

From Learning, Creating and Sharing, to helping families and making new friends. Boosting confidence, helping with social development and letting us connect and link ourselves to others.  Pt England School is such an important part of our community.

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